bald_eagle-normalIn this above reading, King Ahaz calmly and confidently tells God, he would not tempt or put God to the test. God replies him, by saying king Ahaz should not weary HIM….. Why would God say such an answer would weary HIM? Should this answer not be exactly what God expects us to say? How can this faith filled answer exasperate God?
It is true that we should not put God to the test, even the good book says so (Matthew 4:7). We as believers should have faith enough in God, that when HE speaks to us or makes a promise to us, we should believe instantaneously ( I hear the AMEN’s rolling in), but often we like Ahaz say the right words to men. I guess they can be fooled, they sure do not see our hearts, but we forget God sees our heart.
HE is not fooled by our seemingly righteous and glory filled answers. HE reads our heart and like Ahaz, whose heart was filled with so much fear (that it was said that his heart shook like the tree of the forest shakes before the wind) was now all righteous and telling the same God who cared enough to assuage him of his fears that “it is no big deal, -I have it all together”.
We all do it, say what we are expected to say, when our hearts are pounding but today I say “God sees” and if we like Gideon are petrified and we need a sign or even two to build our faith (Judges 6:17), God knows! We need to be truthful, and stop speaking like Eagles when we have the hearts of chickens.
Let us be vulnerable to our Father, and let HIM help us with our faith, until we get to the very level were we all need to, where we say to our enemies “Bring It On,- because greater is HE who is in me, than they that are in the world”(1st John 4:4). We need to let our Father get us to the point where we are not just Eagle speaking, but also Eagle hearted.

One response to “EAGLE HEARTED- Isaiah 7:V10-13”

  1. Lara Bolarinde avatar
    Lara Bolarinde

    “We all do it, say what we are expected to say, when our hearts are pounding” How so very true….Thank you for keeping it real Sis as usual.


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